Why was “RealVetReps” created in the first place?

We get it!  When you ask for help with the county or veterans service organizations (VSO’s) and you get no where with them.  You call them to find out the next step or what the status of your claim and they have few to no answers.  It’s so frustrating that you get lackluster performance from an “accredited” VSO.  We understand!  We have been there and done that!

So after a decade of dealing with these VSO’s, we decided to master the system ourselves and help other veterans the correct way.  When we submit a claim with you, it is the correct way, a plan in place, explained to you in detail and what to expect.

Our motto is, where there is a plan, there is a winner!  We put together a plan with every Veteran that is unique to them.  

RealVetReps = “Real Veteran Representatives” here to serve you.

Danny Andrade

Biography Danny Andrade

Danny joined the US Navy in 1987 where he went to Boot Camp in San Diego, California. The Navy sent him to the USS Guadalcanal LPH-7, an amphibious assault carrier. The first mediterranean deployment was in the Persian Gulf conflict between Iran and Iraq war for 6 months. The next deployment in the Med was in 1989 with no conflicts. Was next involved in the Persian Gulf war in 1990-1991 area. Danny was then reassigned to the Presidential Retreat “Camp David” in Thurmont, Maryland where he was one of the Fire Marshal and Large Scale Exercise for the Presidents helicopters when they arrived on Marine one. During this time, Danny attended the University of Maryland . Danny then honorably discharged out of the Navy in 1996 area to become a professional firefighter with Fairfax county fire and rescue department.  Serving for about 3 years. He then came back home to California to help family then was in need. During this time, Danny struggled with the VA and attempted to submit requests for disabilities, hearing loss, skin issues which were all denied. I help of many county/ Veteran service organizations who really were of no help at all. They gave me little to no guidance and the ones that wanted to help me, wanted money if I was awarded disability compensation. This led me on the path to understand, breakdown in simple terms the ways that the VA systems uses to help veterans. I started serving veterans in 2017. The only way I came in contact with veterans was with the people I served with or my friends in the military. My mission is to serve as many Veterans as possible. The only way I came in contact with Veterans was with the people I served with or my friends in the military. My mission is to serve as many Veterans as possible. My only requirement is that once I help you, you are able to pass that knowledge forward to help other Veterans in need.

Ricky Wells

Biography Ricky Wells

Chief Warrant Officer Ricky V. Wells was born in Philadelphia, PA and enlisted in the U. S. Coast Guard in 1987. He is currently assigned as a Logistics Specialist in the Office of Contingency & Deployable Logistics Alameda, California; which provides support to Pacific and Atlantic Areas deployed cutters, airframes, and specialized forces. A native of Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Fireman Wells graduated boot camp at Cape May New Jersey in 1988 and reported to his first assignment at Loran Station Kargaburun, Turkey. In 1989, he rotated to his next duty station in Air Station San Diego, California; and in 1990, he was selected to attend Storekeeper “A” School at Coast Guard Training Center Petaluma, California. Upon graduation, Storekeeper Third Class Wells was assigned to the Eleventh Coast! Guard District located in Long Beach, California. In 1994, Storekeeper Third Class Wells was transferred to the Coast Guard Cutter HAMILTON, stationed at San Pedro, California, where he was promoted to Storekeeper Second Class. In 1996, after a successful underway tour, Storekeeper Second Class Wells was assigned to Integrated Support Command San Pedro, California and provided procurement, and logistic support to local cutters. Four years later, Storekeeper Second Class Wells was assigned to Sector Los Angeles/Long Beach, California and advanced to Storekeeper First Class. On June 1, 2006, he was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) and was transferred to the Coast Guard Cutter ALEX HALEY in Kodiak, Alaska as the Supply Officer. In 2008, CWO Wells was assigned to Maintenance and Logistics Command Pacific (MLCPAC) in Oakland, California, as the Simplified Acquisitions Division Second Chief. In 2010, MACPAC was modernized to the new Surface Force Logistics Center and CWO Wells became the Medium Endurance Cutters Product Line Simplified Acquisition Procedures Section Chief. CW0O4 Wells awards include, two Coast Guard Achievement Medals, six Coast Guard Letter of Commendations, CG Presidential Unit Citation, DOT Outstanding Unit Award, three Coast Guard Meritorious Unit Commendation Ribbons, CG Meritorious Team Commendation Ribbon, CG Bicentennial Unit Commendation Ribbon, five Coast Guard Good Conduct Medals, two National Defense Service Medals, Global War on Terrorism Medal, two Humanitarian Service Medals, Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, DOT 9-11 Ribbon, Special OPS Service Ribbon, CG Sea Service Ribbon, CG Restricted Duty Ribbon, CG Basic Training Honor Graduate, CG Rifle Marksman Ribbon and CG Pistol Expert Medal.